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音樂火鍋 <新湯料> Music Hotpot <New Ingredients> 17.10.23

作家相片: 音樂火鍋 Music Hotpot音樂火鍋 Music Hotpot

Music Hotpot <New Ingredients>

Irregular listing of new release songs from various musicians.

No opinions or judgments, simply listen and be your own judge.

Follow/like their Facebook/IG/YouTube page and PM us If you have new release songs!

每次不定期介紹唔同嘅新歌, 但不作評論! 好唔好聽, 你哋自己聽吓作判斷, 純粹比多一個機會唔同嘅音樂人分享吓佢哋嘅音樂. 鍾意嘅話就 follow/like 吓佢哋嘅 Facebook/IG/YouTube啦!

如果你哋有新歌就快d PM比我哋啦!


Oct 17, 2023

1. Jasper Yu - 曠野之詩

2. moon tang - 房屋供應問題

3. Chiutung 釗彤 - Say Nothing

4. 施匡翹 𝐙𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐚 𝐒𝐳𝐞 - 𝐒𝐚𝐯𝐚𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐚 𝐟𝐞𝐚𝐭. 𝐇𝐞𝐲𝐨


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Jasper Yu - 曠野之詩

我已經在沙漠中流浪了很久, 我心中僅存的, 就只有我那最後的生命, 以及那微弱的希望。

世界已經不是如往日那樣, 被洪水淹沒而消退以後, 已經過去了千萬年, 所有的城市也浸沒在海洋中的最深淵中。

我一人行走在杳無人煙的曠野荒漠中, 持著那提示我要堅持下去的最後的經卷, 不斷在尋找那給予我答案的入口。在沙塵、暴雨中經歷的每一次困難, 我只有不停的祈禱, 勝過每一次的抖震, 苟延殘喘下去。只有恆久的忍耐和等候, 我才可以繼續前行。

一切的歷史已經消失了, 浮城的璀璨, 你我的回憶也都消失了。我必須要尋找一切的答案, 我要揭示一切的歷史, 我要踏進深海的入口, 進入最終的深淵, 最後的城市。

Depth + Death

海拔: 0m

由踏上方舟啟程的一刻, 歷史之輪開始徐徐轉動, 轉動到一切故事的起始。


曲/詞/編/唱: Jasper Yu



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moon tang - 房屋供應問題

Producer | moon tang, Enoch Cheng, Nicholas Cheung

Composer | moon tang, Enoch Cheng

Lyricist | Wyman Wong

Arranger | Jason Gelchen, Robbie Say



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Chiutung 釗彤 - Say Nothing

在這個城巿裏,「一分鐘幾百萬上落」,競爭迫使我們適應過急的步伐:手機出現提示時要立刻回覆、害怕停擺、避忌Dead air、未去到倦透的一刻也要用盡方法填滿每一秒。於是,訊息、交談、碌手機、飯局、追劇完全佔據了我們清醒的時間。 我們似乎忘記了,寧靜,原來並不可怕,又或者我們害怕的,不是寧靜,而是與自己親近的時間。

你對上一次讓自己脫離喧鬧,感受寧靜,聆聽自己,是甚麼時候呢? We always say something. Why don’t we say nothing?


Composer: Chiutung 釗彤

Lyricist:Chiutung 釗彤

Arranger: XTIE




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施匡翹 𝐙𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐚 𝐒𝐳𝐞 - 𝐒𝐚𝐯𝐚𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐚 𝐟𝐞𝐚𝐭. 𝐇𝐞𝐲𝐨

施匡翹(Zaina Sze)全新個人單曲《Savasana》歌名靈感來自瑜珈動作大休息(Savasana),表達了在忙碌的生活中需要休息、放鬆和重新調整心態的重要性。歌曲是Zaina和監製T-Ma首次合作,配合香港說唱歌手Heyo的Rap創作及客串聲演,以輕快的旋律和明快的節奏營造出一種舒適自在的愉悅感。



作曲:Robynn Yip, Claudia Koh, Purple Nacho

填詞:張楚翹、Heyo (Rap Part)

編曲:Claudia Koh, PurpleNacho




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一聽「地獄」兩字,就知絕不是理想的郊遊地方。但是我們想邀大家去地獄到此一遊,地獄之火可以燒得宏大,曼珠沙華可以開得美麗。新歌《Where The F Is Satan》就是我們對地獄的想像之歌,即使面對牛鬼蛇神、熔岩烈火,都想尋找撒旦,解答心中的困惑。

Buckle up. We are taking you on a journey through Hell. Though Hell never sounds like a perfect picnic spot, it could be mesmerically alluring as the hellfire is set ablaze, or when Manjushage, the flowers of death, blossom all over the inferno. Hence, our new single ‘Where The F Is Satan (WTFIS)’ envisions the scenery of Hell – as seekers of Satan in the hope of resolving our questions, even if there are demons, spirits and magma in our way.


Why seek Satan and not God? This question leads to an inner debate deriving even more questions: Is goodness conceivable only with the presence of evil? If so, are ‘good’ and ‘evil’, or correspondingly ‘God’ and ‘Satan’, binary opposites or relative perception of each other? Head full of these thoughts, we created this music piece to look into the purpose of seeking deities and spirits by illustrating a man’s quest for Satan.


‘The collaboration with Uchu Yurei was a fascinating experience. They gave me the freedom to modify and reinterpret their original story as I wanted.’- Lai Tat Tat Wing

香港獨立樂隊宇宙幽靈與漫畫家黎達達榮聯乘一同創作!觀眾聽歌之餘,還能看到黎達達榮的漫畫作品——體驗音樂和藝術的結合。黎達達榮以宇宙幽靈新作《Where The F Is Satan》作為靈感,創作一個沒有刑具、獄卒的地獄世界。地獄一定是痛苦的嗎?不,生前邪惡至極的靈魂在地獄裡開派對,似是找到同道中人一樣,分享著各種慾望和折磨人類的想法。但這個時候,一個由天堂跌落的天使打破了這詭異的美好,展開一場奇堀的地獄之旅。黎達達榮以全新、奇想的視角為我們帶來地獄世界的美妙之處,將讀者、聽眾帶入刺激視覺和聽覺的奇幻旅程,呈現一個別開生面、直視人類潛藏的慾望世界。

Here comes the crossover of Hong Kong-based indie band Uchu Yurei and comic artist Lai Tat Tat Wing! By combining comics with songs, we can enjoy the chemistry between music and visual arts . Lai was inspired by Uchu Yurei’s new single ‘WTFIS’ to create an infernal world without sufferings, torture and even hell warders. Contrary to its typical depiction, evil souls here are exempted from agonizing punishment despite their wrongdoings during their lifetime, all they do is party with their own kind to share various desires and tormenting thoughts. However, this bizarre party is interrupted as a fallen angel barges in and begin their strange adventure through Hell. Lai visualizes the beauty of Hell from a unique and fantastical perspective, in which audiences and readers could indulge in the unusual journey of audio and visual stimulation that digs into humans’ deepest desires.

純音樂的市場一直不是主流,而這次的跨界創作是希望為純音樂世界注入新的刺激,也是實驗藝術和音樂的結合,嘗試讓更多的人接觸我們做的音樂。不得不承認創作與麵包難以平衡,我們就如難以跟上步伐的孤鳥,但是仍相信飛行是唯一而重要的使命。我們相信大眾有選擇、有能力去孕育本地各種音樂的可能性,所以這次我們希望以「Kickstarter」的形式去邀請你跳入這場純音樂的生產實驗,將純音樂的路推進一小步。 Instrumental music rarely appeals to the mainstream market. In view of this, we launched the crossover project trying to spice up the instrumental music scene and to explore the combination of music with other art forms, as well as reaching out to a wider audience. Admittedly, we, as instrumental artists, can hardly strike a balance between producing music and making a living out of it. We feel like a lone bird failing to keep pace with the flock and falling behind, yet all we can do is keep on flying as if that is our only meaningful thing to do. We always believe that local audiences have the choice, and are capable of nurturing potential music talents of various genres. Therefore, we are inviting you to be part of our instrumental music experiment which aims at enhancing the instrumental music scene little by little. Hop on the ride now!


Composer: Dimitri

Arrangement: Uchu Yurei



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