音樂火鍋 <新湯料> Music Hotpot <New Ingredients> 14.12.2024
Irregular listing of new release songs from various musicians.
No opinions or judgments, simply listen and be your own judge.
Follow/like their Facebook/IG/YouTube page and PM us If you have new release songs!
每次不定期介紹唔同嘅新歌, 但不作評論! 好唔好聽, 你哋自己聽吓作判斷, 純粹比多一個機會唔同嘅音樂人分享吓佢哋嘅音樂. 鍾意嘅話就 follow/like 吓佢哋嘅 Facebook/IG/YouTube啦!
如果你哋有新歌就快d PM比我哋啦!
Dec 14, 2024
1. 陳薔天Tinque - 奇怪 Strangeness
2. 胡學軒 Alfred Wu - 貓犬系戀愛須知
3. leungarto - solus 一
4. ONINE - 杜鵑窩
5. 洪因 Ken Hung - into the deeper blue

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陳薔天Tinque - 奇怪 Strangeness
作曲、編曲、監製:温應鴻Adky Wun
填詞、主唱:陳薔天Tinque Chan
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tinque.chan/
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胡學軒 Alfred Wu - 貓犬系戀愛須知
曲:Y.Siu / Key Ng / Anson Chan / 胡學軒
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wuhokhin
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wuhokhin/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@AlfredWu
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leungarto - solus 一
《solus 一》Micro FIlm 微電影
遠距離戀愛,是一段將精神和肉體分開的關係。遠距離 -- 當彼此只有精神交流,便會反思肉體接觸的意義;當彼此只有肉體交流,便會不由自主地追求精神的融合。
"Long distance love" is a relationship that separates our spirit and body. Long distance - we will review on the meaning of physical contact when we are only spiritual communication; , we will involuntarily pursue the integration of our spirits when we are only physical communication.
Love, people have been pursuing for a long time but that is difficult to pursue which is the unity of spirit and body.
There is nothing that cannot be guessed. The established answer is already hidden in our hearts through sensing the movements, reactions or processes of things. The action of "confirmation" only provides self-pleasure.
"What I think", "What I feel", and "What I deduct" are more solid and real than objective conclusions. Although the responses of things are different, they are only parts of the storyline.
《solus 一》微電影製作團隊
Micro Film Production:
演員 Actor: 梁皓楷 (@leunghokai ), 漂亮玫瑰 ( @cathycatherinecat ), Leslie Lee ( @leslie_beyond4 )
攝影 Cinematography: ChanKaPo
剪輯 Editor: leungarto
原聲配樂 OST: leungarto
編劇 Screenwriter: leungarto
導演 Director: leungarto
特別鳴謝 Special thanks: 新滿溢飯店、故事藍本 @tinyan.li.official
作曲 / 製作 Composed / Produced: leungarto
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mugazinehk
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mugazinehk
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Mugazinehk
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ONINE - 杜鵑窩
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/onine_guys_629/
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洪因 Ken Hung - into the deeper blue
《into the deeper blue》是Ken Hung 洪因單曲《into the blue》的一體兩面,同曲詞卻有截然不同的編曲。
同樣由Ken一人包辦曲詞編監,《into the deeper blue》加入了Jazz與Lo-fi音樂的元素,務求營造出慵懶放鬆的感覺。如果《into the blue》是一場迷失在深夜城市間的旅程,《into the deeper blue》就是凌晨流浪在無人街道的時光。
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kenhwk
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kenhungy
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@kenhungy