音樂火鍋 <新湯料> Music Hotpot <New Ingredients> 13.2.2025
Irregular listing of new release songs from various musicians.
No opinions or judgments, simply listen and be your own judge.
Follow/like their Facebook/IG/YouTube page and PM us If you have new release songs!
每次不定期介紹唔同嘅新歌, 但不作評論! 好唔好聽, 你哋自己聽吓作判斷, 純粹比多一個機會唔同嘅音樂人分享吓佢哋嘅音樂. 鍾意嘅話就 follow/like 吓佢哋嘅 Facebook/IG/YouTube啦!
如果你哋有新歌就快d PM比我哋啦!
Feb 13, 2025
1. Tofu Kingdom - 石沉大海
2. Jenny - 陪我等到尾班車
3. dorothy 劉君冬 - nothing
4. Daze in White - 再會 總有 (Stay in touch)

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Tofu Kingdom - 石沉大海
A stone sinks into the sea, long forgotten. What is the one who cast the stone thinking? What is the stone thinking? And what is the sea thinking?
The waves crash, the water splashes, cycling endlessly. Amid countless repetitions, who still remembers the day the stone sank? Who recalls the reasons, the aftermath, or where the stone now lies? Who remembers the stone at all?
Join the Kingdom as we dive into the depths of the ocean, weaving through murky currents in search of the sunken stone—and the one who sought it.
Music & Lyrics: Tofu Kingdom
Producer: Tofu Kingdom, Justin Leung @Wade Studio
Recording engineer: Justin Leung @Wade Studio
Mixing: Sam Yu, Justin Kong, Justin Leung @Wade Studio
Mastering: Justin Leung @Wade Studio
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tofukingdom
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tofukingdom.hk/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@tofukingdom
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Jenny - 陪我等到尾班車
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/song4song._
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dorothy 劉君冬 - nothing
你是我的所有, 所以你離開後我一無所有。
曲:dorothy 劉君冬
詞:dorothy 劉君冬
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thedorothylau/
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Daze in White - 再會 總有 (Stay in touch)
主唱:Daze in White
作曲:Daze in White
填詞:Daze in White
編曲:Daze in White / Goro Wong
監製:Goro Wong
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dazeinwhite
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dazeinwhite/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@DazeinWhite
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舊年你遇過幾多X人X事?又有幾多真正關心你嘅人? 我知、我知道你一直忍受緊好多嘢, 忍住唔響呢班人爆發, 但係真正關心你心聲嘅人可能只有你自己。 趁住初三赤口,大大聲同呢班人講: 「友誼過期 898!」
作曲、填詞:Teddy Fan, Sinnie Ng
編曲:Teddy Fan
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/teddyfanguitar /