Mango Jam
Mango Jam
Mango Jam is formed in an old studio at Mong Kok in the midst of 2016’s summer. The quintet are just everyday’s white-collars by day, who become tone nerds and boozers at the rehearsal room by night, trying to vent and resonate behind the hectic city lights.
Led by the singer Rudy, the band blends rock, grunge & funk elements and composes originals primarily in Cantonese & English. With the dedicated work by Jeffrey (drummer) and Jared (bassist), infectious grooves are the end result after countless pints and bottoms-up. The guitar duo of Dani & Jerry poised inter-locking rhythm and hard-hitting guitar riffs which completed the essence of the Mango Jam.
Mango Jam (芒果醬)成立於2016年,是一隊來自香港的獨立樂隊,成員包括主音Rudy,低音結他手Jared,結他手Dani及Jerry 以及鼓手Jeffrey。作品以不同的音樂元素築構而成,記載生活細節。樂隊崇尚隨性但和而不同的獨立精神,希望透過音樂在這侷促的城市尋回人慣常遺忘的隨性以及共鳴。