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ChairFlip 椅子翻騰
ChairFlip 椅子翻騰
你想成為一張站在地上的椅子,還是在空中翻騰的椅子?即使跌倒多次,被人嘲笑及貼上標籤,仍堅持不甘於現狀,選擇為苦悶的世界,希來些味歡樂與改變。 |就讓那椅子繼續翻騰,盡力翻滾從此不往此生。|
Is one content on becoming a grounded chair, or rather one that flips through the air? Unscathed by failures, ridicules, and labels, discontented with the present, we choose to become the flipping chair and bring colour to this pale world.

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