For music culture to thrive, young artists must be supported and compensated fairly for their work, and it is why we have built our SaaS business around a model that prioritize monetization for their future. We are building the cloud infrastructure on AWS blockchain and created a c2c (creator-to-consumer) creations trading floor, allowing fans and family to invest directly on artists future and we merely take a small processing fee to cover our expenses and a sharing of profit. It is only a start and we will continue to work tirelessly to build an enduring and valuable service. Whether you’re an artist, fan, or label, we hope you’ll be a part of it together with us.
* Music Hotpot is proudly sponsored by the HKSAR's Cyberport and Amazon's AWS Incubation program, and a member of HKU iDendron and KPMG China Accelerator since 2020.
Music Hotpot 是香港數碼港發展資助項目,HKU iDendron 及 KPMG 畢馬威青年加速器計畫成員,結合 AWS 雲端區塊鏈科技讓 fans 追蹤和直接投資於年青音樂人創作工作,推動音樂持續發展,而我們只收取部分收入來應付開支和作為利潤. 這是美好的開始. 無論你是多媒體音樂人, 粉絲, 還是唱片公司, 我們都希望你能加入, 並且繼續支持我們為你創造公平創作環境的工作.
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